Sunday, November 30, 2008

When you find yourself at your first Comic Con

I never had the opportunity to share my stories from Comic Con in San Diego with the Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club earlier in the year. And to avoid writing pages and pages of jibberish that only makes sense in my memory, here are the links to my photos from the trip and the Silver Sprocket Blog which Mickey and Eoin updated for us all on the trip.

I must say some of my personal highlights were getting to stay with my long lost sister Amber Glossine for an entire week, the trials and tribulations of ten mile bike rides on bumpy San Diego streets, and getting to nerd out with the raddest people at the Con, the Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club. Oh yeah, and getting a ton of free stuff, having geek overload from all the "famous to me" folks I met, and just the experience of being present at one of the great shining beacons of geek culture. It was more incredible than I could have imagined and I feel so lucky to have gone.

Can't wait for next year.

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