Monday, November 10, 2008

"You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism."

Something very unusual has happened to me. I, for the first time in a very long time, am at a loss for words. Words are a large part of my life. I read them generously, I speak them with care, I write them in anger, or astonishment, or confusion, or inspiration, or boredom. As of late, it's been difficult to formulate the chaos that is my head onto paper or into an Internet blog such as this.

I am now trying to end this stagnate on translation of internal dialogue.

And here I am, writing words, doing just that.

Word word word...



Unknown said...

Cool. I'd been making it a point to check in here once a week or so, but it had been so long between posts that I was getting ready to give up. I like your writing, so that would have been a bummer.

Samantha Marie said...

I'd also been without a computer for weeks, but now I've got it back. Thank you for checking in Cary. I'm gonna make it a point to at least write once a week. Send me assignments, it will get the ball rolling :)

Tom H. said...

Am I the only one that thinks it's ironic that the only time you blog anymore is when you have writer's block? :)

Samantha Marie said...

Because I had to get out of the funk Tom H! Now I'm out, and ready to roll. Ready to serve new blog coming up!